Vision and Scope
As a BI Practitioner
I want to understand how to set expectations and limit the scope of a set of iterations
So that I have some boundaries which means we will not have endless iterations or additions to requirements, without agreeing these changes upfront

Other requirement articles.
BEAM meets Data Vault and wham bam thank you ma’am
As a Developer I want to understand who I can leverage BEAM and Data Vault together So that I can develop faster and safer. Whether you are pipelining [[link]] your Agile delivery or you are managing to deliver a thin slice [[link]] every sprint iteration both should...
Information Products
As a Developer
I want to understand how to capture content reqiurements quickly
So that I can estimate their size and obtain a priority for the order to deliver
Business Rules
As a Developer I want to understand how to document business rules So that we can increase the speed of delivery Another of the more difficult capabilities in data warehousing is the definition and...
Champion vs Challenger
One of the more challenging areas in Business Intellegence and Data Warehousing is understanding how to apply tests to data that has been transformed, to prove we have delivered a correct result. It can be as simple as proving that we are presenting the right revenue,...
Mega Visioning
With the death of the 100 page Business Intellgience strategy how do you get your stakeholders to come on the journey and agree to invest in the time for your AgileBI to create new data and content for them. With a waterfall project the process is well know, you do...
Data Discovery
As a Developer I want to understand when and how to understand the source data So that I can be sure I can build the things in the users stories and as an input to the estimate of the effort required Often the majority of the AgileBI team are...
Identifying the Stakeholder
[[why you need to do it]] [[stakeholder onion]] [[surprise stakeholders and their new requirements]] [[identifying who should be keep informed]]