by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1 - Requirements, 6.1.2 - Information Products, Process, Underway
Information Products – Gather Size and Prioritise As a Developer I want to understand how to run the Information Products workshops So that I can deliver reqiurements quickly Information Products As outlined in the Information Product post there are four major...
by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1 - Requirements, Backlogged, Process
AgileBI Requirements Workflow As a BI PractitionerI want to understand what order to gatther requirementsSo that I can gather them efficiently When coaching or mentoring a new AgileBI team on the AgileBI Way one of the first things they ask is what is the standard...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.1 - Vision and Scope, Backlogged, Process
Stakeholder Onion As a product owner I want I want to understand how to identify my stakeholders So that I know who can tell me what to do and who to tell what we are doing I suggest you read AgileBI Requirements Workflow next → Other Blogs from this category...
by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1.6 - Wireframing and Storyboarding, Backlogged, Process
As a developer I want I want to understand how to use wireframing to confirm requirements So that I can build the right thing Wireframing is a technique we use to confirm two things: How does the user wish to see the content presented? Have we identified all the data...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, AgileBI Articles, Process, Underway
Time boxing effort as acceptance criteria of last resort As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand how to deal with a lack of clear acceptance criteria So that I don’t delay delivery Acceptance criteria for a user story is crucial. Without it...
by Shane Gibson | 5 - AgileBI Gather, AgileBI Articles, Process, Underway
Information Product Roadmap As a Product Owner I want to understand how to visualise the delivery roadmap So that stakeholders will feel comfortable we have a long term plan Ralph Hughes [[ken??? ]] in his book [[????]] discusses the use of a roadmap during the...