

AgileBI As a BI Practitioner I want to understand what AgileBI is and how it differs to Agile So that I know what approaches to use (and which approaches not to) When deliverying new Data, Analytics or Content in an AgileBI you have the benfit of leveraging the...

AgileBI Process

AgileBI Process As a BI Practitioner I want to understand what AgileBI processes are So that I know what processes to implement (and what processes not to) There are a number of Agile focussed processes that you should implement when deliverying Data, Analytics or...

Agile and BI = AgileBI Process

As a BI practitioner I want to understand what processes are available and what processes I should follow So that I can use an Agile approach on  for my Business Intelligence delivery [[restate journey comments]] [[lots of agile processes available]] There are a...
The Journey

The Journey

The Journey As a Reader of these stories I want I want to understand what brought you to create this website So that I can decide if you have a background that means you can talk with authority about this subject When I started the journey of working with Agile...