by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1.6 - Wireframing and Storyboarding, Backlogged, Process
As a developer I want I want to understand how to use wireframing to confirm requirements So that I can build the right thing Wireframing is a technique we use to confirm two things: How does the user wish to see the content presented? Have we identified all the data...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, Backlogged, Concepts
Three Agile Testing Methods – TDD, ATDD and BDD As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand the different Agile testing methods So that I can decide which to use In the word of Agile, there are currently three methods that can be used to improve...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.3 - Data Requirements, Concepts, Underway
Gathering Data Requirements As a scrum master I want I want to understand how to make retrospectives fun So that I can keep the sprint team engaged The Data Requirements Gap There are two typical challenges when we gather data requirements. First, we capture and...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.3 - Data Requirements, 6.2.2 - Data Vault, AgileBI Articles, Underway
BEAM meets Data Vault and wham bam thank you ma’am As a Developer I want to understand who I can leverage BEAM and Data Vault together So that I can develop faster and safer. Whether you are pipelining [[link]] your Agile delivery or you are managing to deliver...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, AgileBI Articles, Process, Underway
Time boxing effort as acceptance criteria of last resort As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand how to deal with a lack of clear acceptance criteria So that I don’t delay delivery Acceptance criteria for a user story is crucial. Without it...