by Shane Gibson | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, AgileBI Articles, Done Done
No Meetings As a Product Owner or Scrum Master I want to understand how to deal with ‘meetings’ in an AgileBI project So that I can change the team’s negative view on collaboration A Massive Change One of the biggest challenges of using Agile methods to deliver...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.4 - Business Rule Patterns, 6.2 - Agile Data Engineering, AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
Agile Engineering As a BI ManagerI want to understand what risk and challenges I will encounterSo that I know what I am getting myself into Reducing your delivery timeframe down to 3 weeks, means you need to find ways to automate many of the repetitive development...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.3 - Data Requirements, 6.2.2 - Data Vault, AgileBI Articles, Underway
BEAM meets Data Vault and wham bam thank you ma’am As a Developer I want to understand who I can leverage BEAM and Data Vault together So that I can develop faster and safer. Whether you are pipelining [[link]] your Agile delivery or you are managing to deliver...
by Shane Gibson | 5 - AgileBI Gather, AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
[[layer architecture]] [[design standards]] [[backlog groom epics]] [[create team space]] [[pick agile boards, local or software if remorse team]] [[pick Comms tools, yammer, slack etc]]
by Shane Gibson | 6.1 - Requirements, 6.1.2 - Information Products, AgileBI Articles, Done
Information Products As a Developer I want to understand how to capture content reqiurements quickly So that I can estimate their size and obtain a priority for the order to deliver Why document Information Products? Initial Prioritisation When starting an AgileBI...