AgileBI Requirements Workflow
As a BI Practitioner
I want to understand what order to gatther requirements
So that I can gather them efficiently
When coaching or mentoring a new AgileBI team on the AgileBI Way one of the first things they ask is what is the standard order in which to gather requirements? Do we run BEAM workshops first or do we run the Information Product workshops?
There is no standard answer.
One of the awesome things about the AgileBI Way is you can use a lot of the techniques in any order you want. You can effectively create your own AgileBI Way using these techniques as building blocks (I tend to think of them as Lego blocks) and combine them to create your own workflow (I tend to think of my own Lego tower).
AgileBI Requirements Techniques
There are a core number of AgileBI techniques that you can use to create your own workflows. Some come from the reqiurements view, some from the engineering view. These include:
- Vision and Scope, Stakeholder Onion
- Information Products
- Data Requirements (BEAM)
- Data Vault Modeling
- Business Rules
Each of these techniques have different processes for capturing the reqiured information and different templates to capture this information in. [thats what makes it cool]
Examples I have seen
Working with different teams across different customers I have seen different workflows emerge from each of them. Often this is driven by the type of project that is being delivered.
Legacy System Replacement
[reverse enginerr the legacvy platform][new data build first][content only]
New Data Build
New Solution
[new thin slice]
New Content

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So that I can actually use them to deliver something of value
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