by Shane Gibson | 1 - Introduction, Underway
Musings, Ramblings and Structure As a Reader of this site I want to understand what it is about So that I know whether I should keep reading The structure of these articles will no doubt change more often than the words I actually write. My aim is to provide three...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, AgileBI Articles, Process, Underway
Time boxing effort as acceptance criteria of last resort As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand how to deal with a lack of clear acceptance criteria So that I don’t delay delivery Acceptance criteria for a user story is crucial. Without it...
by Shane Gibson | 5 - AgileBI Gather, Underway
As a BI Manager I want to understand what risk and challenges I will encounter So that I know what I am getting myself into Ideally you can jump straight into the delivery stage in the AgileBI process, where you already have: Permission to have a dedicated AgileBI...
by Shane Gibson | 1 - Introduction, Underway
Leveraging the collective knowledge of others As a Reader of these articles I want I want to understand who authored them So that so I can give credit where credit is due When we talk about AgileBI we are not talking about a brand new methodology that has been...
by Shane Gibson | 5 - AgileBI Gather, AgileBI Articles, Process, Underway
Information Product Roadmap As a Product Owner I want to understand how to visualise the delivery roadmap So that stakeholders will feel comfortable we have a long term plan Ralph Hughes [[ken??? ]] in his book [[????]] discusses the use of a roadmap during the...
by Shane Gibson | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, Underway
Making Retrospectives Fun As a scrum master I want I want to understand how to make retrospectives fun So that I can keep the sprint team engaged The majority of the Agile disciplines are structured processes. At the daily stand up the team answers three simple...