by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1 - Requirements, 6.1.2 - Information Products, Process, Underway
Information Products – Gather Size and Prioritise As a Developer I want to understand how to run the Information Products workshops So that I can deliver reqiurements quickly Information Products As outlined in the Information Product post there are four major...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.3 - Data Requirements, Concepts, Underway
Gathering Data Requirements As a scrum master I want I want to understand how to make retrospectives fun So that I can keep the sprint team engaged The Data Requirements Gap There are two typical challenges when we gather data requirements. First, we capture and...
by AgileBI.Guru | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, AgileBI Articles, Concepts, Underway
Standups should be open not closed As a Stakeholder or Product Owner I want I want to understand who can attend a standup So that I can ensure we are following an Agile approach Standups One of the many key things in deliverying in an AgileBI way is the use of daily...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, AgileBI Articles, Concepts, Underway
The Danger of Pipelining and Time Slicing As a BI Manager I want to understand the impact of pipelining the Agile teams workflow So that I know if it is an approach I wish to use Managing to complete an AgileBI build in three elapsed weeks is very very difficult. And...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.3 - Data Requirements, 6.2.2 - Data Vault, AgileBI Articles, Underway
BEAM meets Data Vault and wham bam thank you ma’am As a Developer I want to understand who I can leverage BEAM and Data Vault together So that I can develop faster and safer. Whether you are pipelining [[link]] your Agile delivery or you are managing to deliver...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.4 - Business Rule Patterns, AgileBI Articles, Concepts, Underway
Business Rules As a Developer I want to understand how to document business rules So that we can increase the speed of delivery Another of the more difficult capabilities in data warehousing is the definition and documentation of business rules. And if it is hard...