by Shane Gibson | 6.1.1 - Vision and Scope, Backlogged
[[why you need to do it]] [[stakeholder onion]] [[surprise stakeholders and their new requirements]] [[identifying who should be keep informed]]
by Shane Gibson | Backlogged, Process
Demo day is where the team prove it has delivered the user stories as “done done” at the end of the sprint, typically in a one hour session. In theory the Product Owner should run through the finished deliverables to make sure they work. Demo days are...
by Shane Gibson | 3.1 - AgileBI Team, Backlogged
[[scrum of scrubs nope]] [[ two stand ups , inner and outer rings]] [[archutect sits on all planning sessions]]
by Shane Gibson | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, AgileBI Articles, Backlogged, Process
There is a myth that Agile is all about being adhoc and that there is no planning upfront involved. It’s not true. In fact when undertaking a AgileBI approach the team will spend far more time in planning sessions than in a typical waterfall project. What is...
by Shane Gibson | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
There is a myth that Agile doesn’t deliver documentation. It’s not true. We always do the documentation that is required during a BI project, such as design and as built documents, what differs is the way we create them and when. A waterfall project...