by Shane Gibson | AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
There is a concept of being “ad-how” vs “doing agile” vs “being agile”. [[adhoc]] [[table of points]] [[adhoc, team meeting, no stand ups, no documentation, milestone projetc plan, no done done]] [[doing, daily stand ups, no demo...
by Shane Gibson | AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
Introduction to the feature owner role The role of Product Owner is a hard role in a AgileBI project. The product owner has to provide a number of capabilities: [[Engage with the stakeholders to provide ]] [[SME]] [[data]] [[business...
by Shane Gibson | AgileBI Articles, Backlogged
Don’t tell then what to do. Let them create acceptance criteria that means a card won’t move for a week, cause they will Raise issues as observations in retrospective and provide suggestions if they have none Provide observations when the sprint backlog is...
by Shane Gibson | Backlogged, Process
As a BI Practitioner I want to understand the concepts behind Sprint Points So that I know why we use it Scrum uses a process called “Poker points” as a technique to allow the AgileBI team to estimate the amount of effort for each story that needs to be...
by Shane Gibson | Process, Underway
[[collaboration and collisions]] [[scrum of scrims for ltd of teams, aka sAfe]] [[where do the multiple teams have to talk together, daily stand ups, retrospectives, demo day]] [[two much detail, sprint planning, back gold grooming]] [[have sprint leads attend both...