by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1 - Requirements, Backlogged, Process
AgileBI Requirements Workflow As a BI PractitionerI want to understand what order to gatther requirementsSo that I can gather them efficiently When coaching or mentoring a new AgileBI team on the AgileBI Way one of the first things they ask is what is the standard...
by Shane Gibson | 6.1.1 - Vision and Scope, Backlogged, Process
Stakeholder Onion As a product owner I want I want to understand how to identify my stakeholders So that I know who can tell me what to do and who to tell what we are doing I suggest you read AgileBI Requirements Workflow next → Other Blogs from this category...
by AgileBI.Guru | 6.1.6 - Wireframing and Storyboarding, Backlogged, Process
As a developer I want I want to understand how to use wireframing to confirm requirements So that I can build the right thing Wireframing is a technique we use to confirm two things: How does the user wish to see the content presented? Have we identified all the data...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, Backlogged, Concepts
Three Agile Testing Methods – TDD, ATDD and BDD As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand the different Agile testing methods So that I can decide which to use In the word of Agile, there are currently three methods that can be used to improve...
by Shane Gibson | 3 - AgileBI Overview, Backlogged, Concepts
Minimum Viable Product As a Product Owner or Developer I want I want to understand how a Minimum Viable Product relates to AgileBI So that I can deliver faster and safer One of the ways to deliver quickly is to focus on what is often termed in Agile as a “Minimum...
by Shane Gibson | 3.4 - AgileBI Process, AgileBI Articles, Backlogged, Concepts
When talking about testing in a data project we have to first identify that the testing we need to do is similar but different to the testing we do in application development project. One of the useful way to identify these differences is to understand a number of the...