by Shane Gibson | Backlogged, Concepts
As a BI Practinoner I want to know the standard process for project planning fits in SO [[guess based on previous guesses]] [[never on the actual delviery form those projects]] [[ guess often by project managers who had never done it before, or arhcitects that...
by Shane Gibson | 3.3 - AgileBI Disciplines, Backlogged, Concepts
There are a number of myths abound about the Agile approach. These include that idea that having a daily 15 minute standup is being Agile, to Agile doesn’t deliver documentation. When I hear these myths I typically reply with “Agile is not Adhoc”. So...
by Shane Gibson | 6 - AgileBI Deliver, AgileBI Articles, Concepts, Underway
As a AgileBI Developer I want to understand the different types of content that can be delivered So that I know when to use each type When developing content for end users, it is important to ensure that the content is targeted to the style of audience it is intended....
by Shane Gibson | AgileBI Articles, Backlogged, Concepts
As a BI practitioner I want a quick overview of what Agile is So that I have a framework of concepts I can reference while reading the rest of the book