by Shane Gibson | 3.1 - AgileBI Team, Backlogged
[[moved form one project to new one]] [[started at the place i left off]] [[hadnt taken new team on the journey]] [[new team also picked up some things faster and other things slower than last team]] [[art is reading people]]
by Shane Gibson | 3.1 - AgileBI Team, Backlogged
[[teams go at different paces]] [[have to learn as they go]] [[may have had bad experience with agile]] [[need to fail to fix]]
by Shane Gibson | 3.1 - AgileBI Team, Backlogged
We get taught during our life that 1 + 1 can equal three when we leverage the power of a team. This is often true and in AgileBI … [[scrum teams deliver more]] [[velocity]] But [[adding people mod sprint makes every thign slower]] So at the beginning 6 + 2 will...
by Shane Gibson | 3.1 - AgileBI Team, Backlogged
[[scrum of scrubs nope]] [[ two stand ups , inner and outer rings]] [[archutect sits on all planning sessions]]