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Agile Overview

As a BI Practioner
I want to understand what Agile is all about
So that I can understand if I want to adopt it

Agile as an approach has been around for a while and there a myriad of different and techniques that come under the agile banner.

The AgileBI way adopts a lot of these and techniques and tailors them to help you deliver Data, Content in a faster way and with reduced risk.  You can see more about the AgileBI approach here

There is a raft of content about Agile on the web, in books, in courses and in peoples heads.  To get a good overview of agile  the links I reference repeatably here.


Agile Discipline – Planning

There is a myth that Agile is all about being adhoc and that there is no planning upfront involved. It's not true. In fact when undertaking a AgileBI approach the team will spend far more time in planning sessions than in a typical waterfall project. What is different...

Agile Discipline – Documentation 

There is a myth that Agile doesn't deliver documentation.  It's not true. We always do the documentation that is required during a BI project, such as design and as built documents, what differs is the way we create them and when. A waterfall project is all about...



As a BI Practitioner
I want to understand what AgileBI is and how it differs to Agile
So that I know what techniques to use (and whihc techniques not to)

AgileBI Process

As a BI Practitioner
I want to understand what AgileBI processes are
So that I know what processes to implement (and what processes not to)

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